China Passport Photo Template – Official Guidelines

When applying for a Chinese passport, in the country or abroad, you have to provide 2 (two) passport photos taken according to Chinese standards. The government of the People’s Republic of China has established extremely specific requirements, which need to be followed to the letter to get the pictures approved.

Given these constraints, taking these photos requires specific techniques and software. If you want to know more about the China passport template, keep on reading. We will illustrate all the requirements and tell you a way to take the photos for your application.

Size and quality requirements

The photos for a Chinese passport need to follow these specifications:

  • size: 33 x 48 mm;
  • full color;
  • the head must have a width between 15 mm and 22 mm, and a height between 28 mm and 33 mm;
  • resolution must be over 600 dpi;
  • there needs to be a space of at least 5 mm between the top of the head and the edge of the frame;
  • evenly distributed lighting;
  • taken less than 6 (six) months ago.

Appearance requirements

To take passport photos according to the Chinese standards you need to take care of several details regarding your appearance:

  • head centered and facing the camera;
  • all details of the face have to be visible;
  • solid white or light blue background;
  • eyes fully open and mouth completely closed;
  • hair must not block the face;
  • prescription glasses must have thin rims and not obstruct the eyes;
  • no headgear unless religious;
  • no uniforms;
  • clothing must be in contrast with the background color.

The same rules also apply to children.

China passport photo template – final considerations

The photos required for a Chinese passport application have to follow a series of strict rules about size, quality, and appearance. To make sure that the authorities accept them on the date of the application, you have to follow them closely.


To make sure all aspects are clear, we will answer some questions about China passport photo templates.

What is the Chinese passport photo size?

A Chinese passport photo has to be 33 mm wide and 48 mm high.

How do I take a Chinese passport photo at home?

Stand in front of a window and take the picture from 2 meters away, with a tripod or someone else’s help.


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