If you’re planning a trip to the Mexican city of Cancun in 2023, you should know what kind of documentation to bring along. Do you need a passport booklet or perhaps a passport card will do? Maybe just a birth certificate or a driver’s license?

It’s a good thing we’re here to tell you all about traveling to this majestic city and to answer the question: “Do you need a passport for Cancun?” Find out below how to prepare for the trip and what to bring in order to gain an entry permit and enjoy your vacation.
Trip to Cancun without a passport – everything you need to know
To enter Mexico as a citizen of the United States of America, you naturally require certain documentation that, in fact, changes depending on the manner in which you decide to arrive in the city of Cancun.
Travel rules surrounding the documentation you’re supposed to bring along vary depending on whether you choose to arrive in Cancun by sea, air or land. It is a key piece of information and something you ought to familiarize yourself with in order to ensure your dream vacation can continue as planned.

Multiple Migratory Form for the trip to Cancun
Apart from ensuring a valid passport or other viable document is in your possession, you need to prepare a bit more if you wish to visit Cancun. The Mexican government requires you and your companions to complete the Forma Migratoria Múltiple (FMM), also known as the Multiple Migration Form, which essentially functions as an entry permit for all American citizens.
All U.S. travelers are required to carry the form, so make sure to take one for your minor companions as well. Don’t forget that Mexican authorities expect even the youngest to be just as prepared for the flight as the adults.
Flying to Cancun without a valid passport
The quickest route to Cancun from the U.S. is by air, so it is only natural that you might choose that form of transportation with the Cancun airport as your destination.
If you wish to fly, then you are required to carry a valid passport in order to be allowed in and then out of the country, as international air travel rules apply to this situation.
Substituting the document with a passport card or other photo ID, like a birth certificate, a naturalization certificate or a citizenship certificate will not do. A passport book, which remains your most significant travel document of all, is crucial when visiting Cancun by plane.
The pages at the back of the passport book need to be blank and allow for appropriate entry stamps to be placed on them.
Keep that in mind and make sure to pack your passport book so your vacation plans go as smoothly as possible.
Be advised that you and your travel companions’ passports need to be valid for a period of at least 6 (six) months after your planned stay in Mexico. Check the dates on documents and if need be, set up a meeting at the passport agency and apply for a passport renewal. You want to have absolute certainty that your travel documents are all valid for the trip to Cancun, especially since your plans include international travel by air.
Driving to Cancun without a passport
If you wish to travel through Mexico all the way to Cancun by road, go for it. Perhaps you’re from San Diego and wish to take a look around Mexico before you arrive at your destination.
You can go ahead and enter Mexico, just remember to grab your driver’s license and automobile registration. What’s more, a U.S. citizen does not need a passport book to cross the Mexican border and continue their journey south. What you do need, however, is, according to the Mexican embassy, another government-issued photo ID called a passport card.
Passport card – your ticket to Cancun
A passport card is a very useful travel document that allows U.S. citizens to travel to a range of places, like Canada, Mexico, Bermuda and the Caribbean, without a passport book. If valid, it will be deemed perfectly fine and will permit you to be on your way and continue with your journey.
Import permit when driving by car to Cancun
Even though you’re free from carrying a passport book when driving to Cancun from the U.S. you still need to make sure every other piece of documentation is taken care of and completed accordingly.
When you’re traveling by car you will need what’s called a temporary import permit for your U.S.-registered vehicle that’s about to into the country of Mexico beyond the Border Zone, which is roughly 20 (twenty) kilometers.
Cruising to Cancun without a passport
The most convenient and common way to travel to Cancun from the U.S. is undoubtedly a cruise. American citizens often opt for a ship to take them through the Gulf of Mexico all the way to the beautiful city of Cancun. If that’s exactly what your plan sounds like, you most certainly won’t travel alone.
The most important information for a traveler such as yourself is that going on a cruise to Cancun may or may not demand a passport book and it all depends on the type of cruise you choose.
Closed-loop cruises to Cancun
Closed-loop cruises will not require a U.S. citizen to carry a valid passport. These are the cruises that begin and end in the same American port and do not make any stops in any port outside of the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI).
Visiting Cancun in such a way still calls for other forms of documentation to be carried by the ship passengers, so make sure to pay close attention as we list all items you will want to bring with you. Specifically:
- a valid photo ID, like a driver’s license
- a proof of citizenship: naturalization certificate or a birth certificate (you can take the original birth certificate or a notarized copy).
Please be aware, however, that some closed-loop cruise lines can, in fact, require their passengers to carry a passport. In that instance, you would do well to double-check cruise line requirements when planning to visit Cancun.
Regular cruises to Cancun
If your plans include a cruise all the way from one of the U.S. ports to Cancun then you’d better pack a passport book as it will certainly come in handy. You’re crossing borders after all.
Grabbing other IDs just in case is a good idea as well, so make sure you don’t forget about other items such as a driver’s license or a copy of your birth certificate. The cruise ship staff may want to take a look at that as well.
A tourist card is another item apart from a valid passport that you might want to grab, especially if you plan to stay a while longer.
Do you need a passport to go to Cancun? – Summary
As you can see, a valid passport remains an important travel document that you must pack along if you’re visiting Cancun. The Mexican government will require you to carry it whether you wish to arrive in Cancun through air or sea, as well as complete the Forma Migratoria Múltiple.
Passport requirement is optional only when traveling by land, so prepare another citizenship card and a passport card to enter Mexico and continue your journey to Cancun.
Can you go to Cancun without a passport: FAQ
Can I go to Cancun without a passport?
A U.S. citizen can go to Cancun without a valid passport. You need a passport to travel by sea or air, but crossing the border by car and driving all the way to Cancun will only require a passport card. Just remember to pack your driver’s license and car insurance, just in case.
Do you need a passport to fly to Cancun, Mexico?
You do need a passport if you want to fly to Cancun and arrive at the Cancun airport after boarding in the U.S. Mexican law, however, doesn’t require you to carry any other items like a passport card or a birth certificate when traveling by plane.
When you enter Cancun do they stamp your passport?
Mexico remains one of the countries that issue entry stamps on the back pages of your passport. When you enter Cancun via an international flight, your passport will get stamped.