If you are applying for a passport then you know that one of the documents that are required to submit is a passport photo that should meet certain requirements. We know that a photo for a passport may sometimes look not good or the requirements are not met properly, therefore we’ve prepared this brief guide to help you out with your Indonesian passport photo. Continue reading for more!

Indonesia passport photo requirements
When applying for an Indonesian passport, the required documents vary depending on your background. For example, if you lost your Indonesian passport, you have to provide different documents than a person who is living inside Indonesian territory and is applying for a new passport. Nevertheless, there’s always one thing you have to always include in your passport application no matter the situation – an Indonesian passport photo. Check out the requirements of the passport photo below so that your photo is acceptable.
Indonesian passport photo size
One of the common mistakes is submitting a passport photo in the wrong size. Your photograph should be 2 in x 2 in (5 x 5 cm). Passport photos with a size bigger or smaller than that will not be accepted.
Background and color
An Indonesian passport photo has to be in color. Forget about black and white photos as they won’t be allowed. Regarding the background, it has to be in a plain white color and no objects should be visible.
Head positioning and face expression
Your head must be in the center of the photo and you should not tilt or rotate it in any way. Also, when you look straight into the camera, try to keep a neutral facial expression, meaning no smiling, eyes open and mouth closed.
Outfit and accessories
There are a few things you should not wear while taking a passport photo. Stay with your casual clothing, don’t overdo the colors and extravagance of clothes. You cannot wear glasses, however, if it’s for medical reasons then you can keep them. Same with headgear – if your religion doesn’t allow you to take your head covering off, you can have it on your passport photo.
Indonesian passport photo – DIY
What if we tell you that you can do your Indonesian passport photo yourself? Sounds great right? Just follow our tips to have a perfect passport photo made at home.
See what surrounds you
We have already mentioned the background and colors. The perfect solution for your background would be a white wall in a room where you can have natural lighting. If the weather is not so good on the day you want to take a passport photo, you can use an artificial source of light. However, remember that this kind of lighting can result in shadows on your face and background. If you are willing to send such a picture, it can be rejected by passport authorities.
Camera distance
Keep your camera or mobile phone 1.5 meters away from you. Stay with this distance and your photo will be sharp enough. You can ask someone else to help you out with this as taking selfies is not allowed.
Neutral face
As we said above, you need to keep a neutral facial expression. Your head should be straight, and fully visible.
Adjusting your photo
Now it’s time to adjust your Indonesian passport photo to biometric standards. Visit Passport Photo Online to obtain a perfect photograph, ready to send with your application. Upload your picture on the website or mobile phone and let the AI do its job. Your photo will be automatically cropped to the required size, the background will be replaced and the photo will be processed so it matches the official requirements.
All it takes is three clicks and you’re done! A digital version of your photograph will be sent to you afterward, which you can submit for your online passport application or print it to submit it in person. Now it’s time to give it a try!