While applying for a Brazilian passport you are required to submit two printed-out photos. They need to be in color and of high quality, but those are not the only rules you should keep in mind. A passport photo is a biometric photo and it has to meet certain standards. If you do not follow all the guidelines, you are risking your picture being rejected. Here we will explain all the rules and regulations you need to follow to get your passport photo accepted. We will not only make creating the perfect passport photo easier but also show you how to do it without even leaving the house.

Brazilian passport photo requirements
So let’s see what we need to know about Brazilian passport photos. Learning what criteria we need to follow is a crucial step that we cannot skip if we want to get our photo accepted. If you don’t want your application rejected because of your photograph, here are the things you need to know – the requirements for a Brazilian passport photo:
There are a few sizes that are acceptable for a Brazilian passport picture. The most commonly used size is 35 x 45 mm. But you can also submit your photograph sized 50 x 70 mm, or even 50 x 50 mm. But we would suggest using a 35 x 45 mm picture, which is commonly used in most European documents.
How should the passport photo look?
The photographed person should look straight at the camera, with the whole face visible. There can be no colors, patterns or shadows visible behind – just the plain, white background. The photo itself must be of high quality. Make sure your photo has good contrast and right saturation. There should be no streaks, blurs or blobs.
How to print your passport photo?
Your print has to be in color. You will need to use photo-quality paper. Also, your passport photo cannot be printed with an inkjet printer. The picture itself should be sharp and in focus. Make sure it is not blurry in any way. The resolution should be 300 dpi.
Before submitting – make sure your photo is not damaged in any way.
Posing for a passport photo
If you wonder what to do with yourself while standing in front of the camera, we have some more tips for you. Here is what you should keep in mind while posing:
- It is important to try to keep a neutral expression on your face. Smiling is not allowed. You also should make sure your eyes are open, and your mouth closed.
- Look straight into the camera, keep your posture straight and still. Relaxing your shoulders should help you keep yourself from fidgeting or moving your body.
Dress code for Brazilian passport photo
There are no strict regulations regarding your clothing, but it is best to wear something casual and simple. Make sure you feel comfortable posing, and later showing the picture in your passport in various situations.
Avoid sunglasses, flashy jewelry, or hats. Get rid of anything that could obscure the shape of your facial features. While choosing your hairstyle make sure the whole shape of your head is well visible. If you wear medical glasses – don’t worry! If they are prescription glasses you can have them in your portrait. You can also have your hair not being visible in the photo if you wear a head covering for religious reasons. Just see that it does not obscure the face itself.
How to take a Brazilian passport photo at home?
Now that you know all the requirements it is time to finally take your photo. So it is a good time to list some more practical things you need to keep in mind while preparing your photo setup. So here is how to prepare your own home photography studio!
Check your surroundings
First and foremost – make sure your makeshift home photography studio has good lighting. It is best to use natural lighting if you have the chance. If you cannot do it – the electric light is fine. See that your lamps do not create sharp lights and dramatic shadows on your face. If you use sunlight, the window should be in front of you, so that your head is evenly lit.
Finding a perfect white background may sound tricky, but actually, all you need to do is find a light wall in your house. If you cannot do it – try hanging some white fabric to create your backdrop. Remove all the objects and furniture that could show up in the frame, and your set is ready.
Make sure you know everything
It is a good moment to look one more time at the requirements, so your Brazilian passport photo will be perfect. Remember about your facial expressions and proper way of posing, and you are ready to go.
Set up the camera
Now that you’re set it is time to get your camera. You can use any kind of digital camera, but your phone should do as well. It is best to avoid selfies so it is a good idea to ask a friend or family member to help with taking the photo. Ask them to take care of the shooting, and stand about 1.5 meters away from the camera. Now all that is left is to finally take the picture.
Final touches for perfect passport photo
Once the photo is taken, the next step is to use passport photo software to adjust it and for the final time make sure all the regulations are met. The application would help you check if the size, proportions, and resolution are correct, and help you fix all the eventual mistakes.
Passport Photo Online: Prepare your Brazilian passport photo in just a few seconds!
Passport Photo Online is an application that you can use both in the browser, as well as download to your phone. The app is available for you to download both for iOS as well as Android. This software is dedicated to helping you create a perfect passport photo without unnecessary stress and cost.
This is how our tool can assist you:
- Upload your picture, which you need to adjust to passport photo requirements.
- Artificial intelligence will automatically crop and resize your photo, and replace the background if necessary. It will also check the photo for all mistakes and help fix them following the official document requirements.
- Once your picture meets the biometric photo standards you can have it sent to you via email. Now it is done and ready to be printed!
And here you have it – your Brazilian passport photo is ready in just a moment. Thanks to our AI the whole process becomes simple and intuitive. Instead of a whole photo shoot, you get your picture in just a few seconds – leaving the rest of the day for you to enjoy – just the way you want.