Renewing a passport can be a confusing process for any person and, more so, for those trying in a foreign country. Suppose you are an individual of Venezuelan origin looking to get your passport renewed in the United States. In that case, you are probably in a much more complex situation, but you have found the right article.

Continue reading below to find out about the process, steps, preparation, documents, and locations to renew and obtain your Venezuelan passport in the USA.
The Venezuelan passport renewal process situation at hand
Before reading ahead to the information given on the renewal process of a Venezuelan passport below, it is noteworthy to mention that the situation at hand in Venezuela complicates the matter.
Due to the regime having hijacked the SAIME system, according to Brian Fincheltub, Director of Consular Affairs in the Embassy of Venezuela to the United States of America, “…there is currently no diplomatic or consular agency in the United States that can process passport renewal applications…”
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That being said, you are unable to go forward with the renewal of your Venezuelan passport at this very moment, but the embassy is hoping to change that as soon as possible, since according to the Director: “…we have been able to recover the assets of the Consular Network and we will progressively reactive consular services, complying with all processes and legalities.”
If it still interests you or you simply want to be prepared for when the renewal process is made available again, continue reading to find out everything you need to know on the matter.
How to renew my Venezuelan passport in the U.S.
Due to the situation in Venezuela, Venezuelan passport holders are unable to receive renewed passports on time, or even at all, regardless of where in the world they are located. If you are located in the U.S., it seems to be more complex due to the closure of all consular services for the past few years. With the recent reactivation, however, the chances have improved and you can read more about the process below.
Also another positive is that the U.S. has accepted the use of a Venezuelan passport for 5 (five) years past its printed expiration date. That allows you more time to succeed in eventually renewing your passport.
So, there is still the possibility of having your Venezuelan passport renewed. Significant changes have taken place in the process, however, so we will explain them thoroughly below.
Venezuelan passport renewal in the U.S.: the process
Mentioned briefly above, the Venezuelan embassy is now slowly reactivating their services, but unable to do so physically, they are trying to attend to all the needs of Venezuelan citizens in the U.S. online.
There is a website called the Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in the United States, which is used for the consultation of all Venezuelans in U.S. territory.
To start the Venezuelan passport renewal process, you must enter the aforementioned website and:
- Enroll in the Single Consular Registry (or Registro Único Consular) and follow the steps provided there.
- Create (or log into) an account on SAIME (Servicio Administrativo de Identificación, Migración y Extranjería), the passport renewal service used in Venezuela.
- Inform the Venezuelan embassy of your wish to renew your passport.
Once the 2 (two) accounts are made and all the steps provided are fulfilled, unless stated otherwise by the embassy, continue as such:
- Wait for an appointment. It will be sent to you by SAIME through email (the one indicated on the registration form). Make sure to check Spam and junk mail for it as well.
- SAIME will also send the form DATA FOR PROCESSING – VENEZUELAN PASSPORT APPLICATION. Fill it out completely and truthfully.
- Send the form and all additional documents required to the email address of the embassy.
- Wait for the embassy to request your next step.
The process in whole can take weeks or even months, so make sure you start well in advance of any pending plans.
Due to the lack of materials in Venezuela, the embassy may inform you that there is a shortage of passports to issue and that the waiting time is double the usual amount. In that case, you can email the Venezuelan embassy or consulates at [email protected] to ask for any additional help.
Renew Venezuelan passport in the U.S.: documents
In order to make the process of applying for a new Venezuelan passport as easy as possible, make sure to have all the appropriate documents ready for submitting at any given moment.
Due to the consular and embassy services being online at the moment, the officials in charge of your application will thoroughly explain all you need to know at every step of the process. This also includes all the documents you need, the ones you need to fill out, etc.
Below we have also listed the essential documents needed to give you a general idea before the process begins.
For an adult:
- 1 (one) signed copy of the form sent to you by SAIME.
- A passport issuance request form.
- 2 (two) passport photos. Must be 2×2 inches (51x51mm), no older than 6 (six) months, and with a white background.
- 1 (one) original and 1 (one) copy of the birth certificate – Venezuelans of naturalization must bring 1 (one) copy of the Certificate of Naturalization.
- 1 (one) original and 1 (one) copy of the ID card.
- 1 (one) original and 1 (one) copy of current passport, expired or about to expire.
- A deposit invoice of $80 in the bank account of the Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (the embassy will give you the exact details).
For a minor:
- A passport issuance request form.
- 1 (one) original and 1 (one) copy of the birth certificate.
- 2 (two) passport pictures—the same requirements apply as for adults.
- 1 (one) original and 1 (one) copy of the ID card (Only applies to minors over the age of 9).
- 1 (one) original and 1 (one) copy of ID documents (ID card, passport, or birth certificate) of parents or legal guardians.
- 1 (one) original and 1 (one) copy of the marriage or divorce certificate of the parents
- In the case of divorce, 1 (one) copy of guardianship and custody documents or parental authority of minor.
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These are lists of essential documents that may be asked of you but that do not take into account any possible changes or additional documentation required since the closure and shift to online consular service.
There is also a possibility of being asked to present yourself in person at the embassy or consulate in order to give the officials your data, such as your fingerprints, passport photos, and signature. In that case, allow the officials to inform you of a physical appointment.
Where can I renew my Venezuelan passport in the U.S.?
If you are trying to renew your Venezuelan passport in the U.S. at the moment, the only possible location to start the process is online. Unless stated otherwise on the official website, the Venezuelan embassy remains semi-closed and will attend to your needs through the online platform.
In the case where you are asked to appear in person, however, there are 8 (eight) locations where you can do so (the officials will tell you exactly which one they want you to go to):
- Embassy of the Republic of Venezuela in Washington DC
Location: 1099 30th Street N.W., Washington D.C., 20007, United States
- Consulate General of Venezuela in Chicago
Location: 20 N Wacker Dr., Suite Nº 1925, 19th Floor, Chicago, Illinois, 60606, United States
- Consulate of Venezuela in San Francisco
Location: 1700 California Street, Suite 420, San Francisco, California, 94109, United States
- Consulate General of Venezuela in Miami
Location: 1101 Brickell Ave, Tower Norte Suite 901, Miami, Florida, 33131, United States
- Consulate General of Venezuela in Boston
Location: 545 Boylston St #301, Boston, Massachusetts, 02116, United States
- Consulate General of Venezuela in Houston
Location: 2401 Fountain View Dr #220, Houston, Texas, 77057, United States
- Consulate General of Venezuela in New Orleans
Location: 400 Poydras St Suite 2145, New Orleans, Louisiana, 70130, United States
- Consulate General of Venezuela in New York
Location: 7 E 51st St, New York, New York, 10022, United States
How to renew a Venezuelan passport in the USA: FAQ
Can I renew my Venezuelan passport in the United States?
There is a small chance of being able to get your Venezuelan passport renewed in the United States. The embassy and consulates are slowly being reactivated after being shut down and will attend to your needs as best they can. This does not guarantee successfully getting your new passport, however.
However, due to the decree on the automatic extension of the validity of a Venezuelan passport for 5 (five) years past its expiration, you can still use it and continue trying to renew it simultaneously.
How to renew a Venezuelan passport in the U.S.?
Renewing a Venezuelan passport in the U.S. is a challenging process at the moment, with no guarantee of succeeding in doing so. The embassy works to attend to your needs online due to its closure and thus should be contacted before starting the process. The process which was described in detail in this blog post, unless otherwise directed, goes through the embassy’s website, enrolling into the Single Consular Registry, making a SAIME account and waiting for your appointment.
How to renew my Venezuelan passport in the USA – closing thoughts
Due to political reasons within Venezuela, getting a new Venezuelan passport in the U.S. is a complicated process to go through. However, as examined thoroughly in the above article, the Embassy of the Republic of Venezuela is virtually trying its best to attend to all the needs of the Venezuelan citizens in the U.S. territory. Simply contact the officials or find the information on their website for renewing your passport.

Gabriella is a college student in University College Dublin, Ireland, studying Languages, Linguistics and Cultures with a specialization in Italian. A native speaker of English, Greek and Polish, she enjoys reading, hiking and cooking. She loves exploring new places and anything that involves trying foods from around the world.